it was just drained, drained (2024)

André Hencleeday - Hammond organ

Sound essay for Wrong Wrong Magazine

"...and it was thrust onto his head" (2023)

André Hencleeday - Hammond organ
Recorded by Guilherme Gonçalves at Blacksheep Studios, Sintra
TAPE; Nariz Entupido,  NE 018, 2024

The organ piece "...and it was thrust onto his head" plunges into the fall - descent, bringing a shadow into the conscious. It's based on ancient, almost choral forms, which breathe and urge like a litany, where the organicity of the material is manifested in the beauty of breathing

through silence.

A peça para órgão "...and it was thrust onto his head" mergulha na clivagem queda - descida, trazendo uma sombra para o consciente. Digladeia-se sobre formas antigas, quase corais, que respiram e que urgem como que uma litania, onde a organicidade do material se manifesta na beleza da respiração pelo silêncio.